Saturday, June 27, 2009


 5 minutes by train from the place i live (Subang Jaya), I arrived at what is called bukit tiga. what was supposed to be a random trip to a new area only to rejuvinate my senses turned sour when i witnessed the poverty around me. This wasn't the first time, but it was a different moment. This time a deep sense of realization occured. I thanked the Lord for his kindness on me and prayed that the people get a better life. I returned home with a strange feeling and decided to convey my thoughts  through a little bit of poetry. I hope this writting touches you and gives you that strange feeling i had when i observed the area and its people.

Poverty As it is.

Pandora’s box was opened, and out came a Wight
A misery that ruined it all, left us only to adight 
Every morning somewhere, a mother’s child cries in plight 
with nothing to eat, the future doesn’t seem so bright
Even the stars bear witness, to this disastrous sight
Millions die every day, hoping one day it would all be alright 

Of all that we see and feel, nothing is more visible 
this disease stays amongst us, like liquid that is immiscible 
boys dying of hunger, fighting wars for the bad man’s coffers 
teenage girls growing up with Aids, living a life for others pleasures 
with no place to offer shelter, families left begging on the ground 
this is poverty as we see it, if only we ever bother to look around 

Very treacherous are its effects, it makes a man kill another 
Crime’s on the rise, poverty makes us forget our brother 
like a burning arrow it hits, it causes wounds like no other
robbers and burglars spend nights in their hive 
then one night they appear, after all they need to survive
society is falling apart, This poverty has become so erosive

Even though it lies so clear, society turns its back 
pretending nothing is wrong, and everything is on track 
with Zero opportunity, and no place to prosper 
the injustice is all around us, only the rich get richer 
for every Wealthy man born, a thousand poor die 
that’s how we roll, that’s exactly u and I 

Right in the middle of a slum, which was for some once home
now the government is constructing, a landmark for national income
poor planning and neglect, for all this someone is to blame
how can there be development when the majority lives in a flame
yet the growth of cities is inevitable, at the cost of the farmers land
the rich get tax cuts, the poor get peanuts and are left only to demand

Time to join hands; it’s time to work together
united and committed is the only way we can deliver
social equality and good governance are the key
as a team we can push poverty out, thru the chimney 
it takes just one man to blink an idea, a lot more to bring change
if we work on it as one, solution is in our range 

Years have faded away, but tomorrow will be a better day
a new sunshine will fall on us, poverty will be blown away 
a new era will emerge, a new time will set in place
we all will live together as one, with God’s grace
its only a matter of time before everyone is a benefiter
as some great man once said, it only gets better!!!
                                                                                                          -Shuaib Kadri

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